
Setting up open source IDE with Eclipse for Freescale MCUs on Mac OSX

I got my first Freescale board, FRDM-KL25Z, for my Raspberry Pi CNC project. But the small board can do much beyond that, and I need a development environment for it!

The following steps are basically a summary of Erich Styger’s series tutorial at MCU on Eclipse.

  1. Download and unpack the arm-none-aebi-gcc tool chain from
  2. Download and unpack eclipse-cpp from, it can start from its own directory and does not have to be installed into system.
  3. Download Microcontroller Driver Suite plugin for existing eclipse from Freescale
    Unpack and install the plugin into eclipse from Help=>Install New Software
  4. Download GNU arm eclipse plugin from
    Unpack and install the plugin into eclipse from Help=>Install New Software
  5. Download McuOnEclipse Processor Expert Components from either the PEupd files or via git
    Install the PEupd files from Processor Expert=>Import Component(s)

The tricky part is to compile OpenOCD with CMSIS-DAP support.

I am using OSX 10.9.2 with Macports and Xcode 5.1. Macports has openocd-0.7, which does not have CMSIS-DAP support. I have to compile from source.

Before we start, OpenOCD needs hidapi, which is not in Macports. I failed to compile from source, so used a work around by installing via brew and linked to /opt/local/lib.

I cloned OpenOCD from a couple of sources with failure at bootstrap or configure stage. The following is the what works for my system. So let’s start:

$> git clone

$> cd openocd

$> ./bootstrap

$> LDFLAGS=-L/opt/local/lib CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include ./configure –enable-maintainer-mode –enable-cmsis-dap –enable-hidapi-libusb –disable-werror

If you use brew, LDFLAGS and CPPFLAGS are not needed. The current version of OpenOCD-0.8.0-rc1 will fail to make without the –disable-werror switch. Hope it will clear the bug in release.

$> make -j4 && sudo make install

Before we run openocd, let’s create openocd.cfg with the following content:

reset_config srst_only srst_nogate

interface cmsis-dap

adapter_khz 50

source [find /usr/local/share/openocd/scripts/board/frdm-kl25z.cfg]


reset init

Now, plug in the board to test if it works.

$> openocd -f openocd.cfg

The final part is to configure Eclipse to use OpenOCD.

To enalbe FRDM-KL25Z CMSIS-DAP debugging, put the board to bootloader mode and install mbed firmware.

Set the openocd_path variable in the preferences as shown below.


Select the project to debug, menu Run=>Debug Configurations…, as shown in below.



OK, move on to development.


I am putting the hidapi and openocd binaries at the following links. They work on OSX 10.9.2 with Macports. You will need to install libusb from Macports before running openocd.

$> sudo port install libusb





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